Friday, January 22, 2010

Eber & Wein Publishing, a good opportunity

Eber & Wein Publishing sponsors a poetry contest. The company is one of very few that offer cash prizes for beginning writers. They collect the names from people who enter the contest and offer them their publishing services. This is a normal business practice in many industries. Some writers believe there are publishers who are willing to pay you for your poetry and this is simply untrue, especially if you are an amateur poet. It is true that this is not considered a professional publishing credit. This type of publishing is consistent to having your work published in local news papers, church newsletters, or chap books.

My research into this company confirms that you don’t have to buy a book in order for your poem to appear in one of their publications, which is also unusual for this type of publisher. Another interesting practice of Eber & Wein Publishing is that anyone can purchase their books at major online retailers. My conclusion is if you are a new writer and want to share your poetry, this is a good opportunity.